Guidelines for authors



a scholarly quarterly of „Edukacja” College of Management in Wrocław

The original articles should be sent by post to the following address:

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania „Edukacja”
ul. Krakowska 56-62/ p. 3
50-425 Wrocław


or by e-mail to the following address:

The texts should be written according to the following criteria: 12-point font, with 1.5 spacing between lines, 2.5 cm margins (left, right, top, bottom), in .doc format. The Editors reserve the right to edit and shape the articles in terms of language, typography and graphics.

The original articles must contain the following elements:

Title page and article text

The article must have a title page with all the necessary details:

  • name and surname of each author
  • affiliation of each author (place of work) with the institution address, email address of each author
  • full title of the article in Polish or English
  • 3-6 keywords in Polish or English

as well as:

  • name and surname, telephone number and email address of the first author who is responsible for preparing the article for publication
  • financial support sources such as grants and donations, subventions, equipment, products etc., if such exist.

The article shall not exceed one editorial unit, that is, 40 000 characters, including spaces. The article can be subdivided into parts, chapters, points in the way corresponding to the article contents. The number of quoted references is unlimited.

Abstract and summary

Irrespective of the language in which the article is written, the work should be accompanied with an abstract, keywords and a summary. The articles written in Polish should have the abstract and keywords in Polish and the summary in English. The articles written in English should have the abstract and keywords in English and the summary in Polish.

The foreign-language abstract and summary of the original work should have a specified structure and be of 50-150 words long. In general, the foreign-language abstract and summary consist of 4 paragraphs of 1-4 sentence(s) each, including:

  • paragraph 1: introduction – the purpose of the article or research, main research thesis statement
  • paragraph 2: research scope – a brief outline of the research
  • paragraph 3: research methodology
  • paragraph 4: conclusions

In summaries of the reviews and outlines, the above-presented structure need not be applied.


References should be given in footnotes and bibliography, according to the binding bibliographic norms. Only the articles including references in footnotes are accepted.

Footnotes should be numbered (by means of Arabic numerals) and made in the form of a shortened bibliographic description. In general, articles and outlines as well as „unpublished data” and „oral information” are not quoted. However, if they are crucial, they may be included into the text in an appropriate place.

The footnotes should be made in accordance with the bibliographic description principles in the following way:

A quoted book:

1 J. Brown, Higher Education Worldwide, London 2012, p. 58

A quoted collection (joint work, many authors’ book, with a specific author division):

1 J. Smith, Education and Culture, [in:] In Defense of Higher Education, Paris 2012, p. 138

A quoted article from a journal:

1 J. Lomp, The Commercialization of Higher Education, „International Journal of Science”, 2012, nr 2, p. 51

Article text supplementary materials

Tables should have their own numbers in the order of the appearance of the first reference in the text and a brief title.

Illustrations should have their own numbers in the order of the appearance of the first reference in the text.

Illustrations can be sent in the forms of photographs or in an electronic form, for example, as .jpg or .tiff formats. Owing to the quality of print reproduction, the illustration should be sent in resolution 300 dpi (ppi) or in a size allowing to make it smaller to 300 dpi. For instance, the .jpg illustration of 72 dpi resolution and 80 cm x 80 cm size allows to fix it to the target size: 19 cm x 19 cm.